To all our customers:
We are extremely excited at the prospect of opening soon (once the government guidance permits). We are implementing social distancing in the salon to protect everyone; this means there are some extra things we need to think about and ask you to do to help us:
Firstly, we have added a bit more time to our appointments – this will help us ensure there is less overlap between clients. The salon is operating extended opening hours to help give the most options for appointments. The appointment time may be subject to change and we will give you as much notice as possible and aim to give you your preferred time wherever possible.
We will need you to wear masks in the salon, we can provide these for you and will have all the necessary personal protective equipment needed. Please help us to comply with guidelines.
It is possible that we will run a little late from time to time. To help us we would ask that you call the salon before you leave home for your appointment and we can advise you if we are on schedule.
Please do not bring any guests with you to your appointment – this includes children. We are carefully calculating the minimum numbers in the salon and cannot accommodate extra people at this time.
When you arrive at the salon please wait outside until we ask you to come in.
Please pay with card if possible, if you can, this helps reduce the points of contact for us all.
We really do appreciate your cooperation and look forward to having you at Mrs P’s very soon.
With Love,
Mrs P and the Team